/ POLL /
Key Findings from Right to Start’s Bipartisan Voter Poll on Entrepreneurship
Overview of the Bipartisan Voter Poll on Entrepreneurship
The online survey was conducted in mid-August 2022, with a sample of 1,000 registered voters who confirmed that they voted in the 2020 presidential election. In order to ensure bipartisan objectivity, the survey was conducted jointly by North Star Opinion Research, a Republican-oriented polling firm, and Hart Research, a Democratic-oriented polling firm. Highlights of the poll findings–which emphasize the consensus found and the opportunity it represents for Americans looking for unity during this more challenging partisan time–are presented below.
American voters want their leaders to support their entrepreneurial dreams.
The entrepreneurial spirit is deep in our national DNA.
94% of voters – nearly unanimously across party lines – say “it’s important to America’s future” that citizens have a fair opportunity to start and grow their own businesses.
That’s true even though only 18% of voters realize that new businesses are the source of most new jobs in the economy.
Americans feel the system is unfair.
81% of entrepreneurs say that government favors big businesses over them.
69% of entrepreneurs say government doesn’t care at all about them.
92% of voters say that starting a new business today is difficult or very difficult.
Only 17% of voters say the federal government helps people start businesses.
Voters prefer candidates who support their entrepreneurial dreams.
62% of voters – nearly evenly across party lines – say they are more likely to vote for a candidate who emphasizes making it easier to start and grow businesses.
Black and Hispanic voters are 2X as likely as White voters to say they are “much more likely” to vote for such candidates.
Voters want policies that support new businesses.
84% of voters say government should redirect funds away from large corporate subsidies towards homegrown businesses.
87% of voters support lower taxes in the early years when starting a new business.
83% of voters want “one stop shops” to navigate red tape when starting new businesses.
Voters of color and in small towns and rural areas are particularly supportive of certain pro-entrepreneur policies in education, healthcare, capital access, taxes, cutting red tape, and government contracts.
Leaders should talk about giving citizens the power to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and make the nation stronger. Top-polling messages include:
Everyone deserves a fair shot at building wealth and/or creating jobs.
More homegrown businesses make America stronger.
Entrepreneurs are the source of innovations that drive economic growth.
Everyone should be able to control their own destiny and/or be their own boss.
Every child should be taught how to build their own business someday.