The State of American Entrepreneurship is Strong

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Across a politically polarized nation, I recently drove from Baltimore to Kansas City to talk with entrepreneurs about the barriers they face in a time of economic uncertainty. I was concerned about the state of entrepreneurship because new businesses create virtually all net job growth. But I was pleasantly surprised. Although entrepreneurs still face many significant barriers, I was struck by their optimism. America's entrepreneurs are hard at work despite the headwinds. They are getting to business, leveraging their talents, and bringing new ideas to life. America is rebooting itself.

I found the same relentless optimism and determination everywhere - from urban Baltimore, to post-industrial Huntington, WV, to the mountain community of Berea, KY, to the underestimated entrepreneurs in Nashville, to the diverse ecosystem of Indianapolis, to the Midwestern crossroads of Peoria, IL, to the capital city of Jefferson City, MO. In every place, I found entrepreneurs, and aspiring ones, with fresh ideas and faith in the future.


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