Entrepreneurial opportunity is an urgent policy need.
By unleashing entrepreneurial opportunity for everyone, we all benefit from more homegrown jobs, higher incomes, greater productivity, lower inequality, stronger communities, and less poverty.
We can shape policies — local, state, and federal — that make it easier for all to start and pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

Voters prefer candidates who support their entrepreneurial dreams.
See the results of a bipartisan voter poll.
Take action.
Key Points
Learn why entrepreneurial opportunity is so important to the health of our communities. And, why we are fighting for better policies.
Field Guide for Policymakers
Our Field Guide for Policymakers outlines specific steps for policymakers to support entrepreneurs, create jobs, grow economies.
10 Recommendations
Download a quick-hit list of our 10 policy recommendations and help us make change.
“The Right to Start is a simple idea, but with profound connotations.
It means we all possess the spark to change things. It means our communities have tinder to ignite. It means America retains DNA from our past that is key to our future.”
— Victor W. Hwang in We Are All Starters